I have finally read Richard Dawkins’ “The God Delusion
While I have heard Richard Dawkins speak on several occasions and have also read various articles of his, I have always come away with a feeling of not knowing what his position is as opposed to what he attacks (the latter having always come across crystal-clear). “The God Delusion” has certainly helped me here and I will try to share my understanding of it next. If you are thinking of reading the book yourself (and I do encourage you to) - just a word of advice: gloss over his attacks on religion and focus instead on those sparse passages where he exposes his own views.
I believe Dawkins’ philosophy is most succinctly expressed by the following needle of a quote from his book:
“An atheist […] is somebody who believes there is nothing beyond the natural, physical world [… and i]f there is something that appears to lie beyond the natural world as it is now imperfectly understood, we hope eventually to understand it and embrace it within the natural.”In other words: a belief in nothing existing beyond the physical and a hope for an understanding that vindicates such a belief. As an ontological position this is vanilla-flavor materialism and not worthy of further comment. What is more interesting though is not the ontology of this view, but its being posited in terms of “belief” and “hope.” Dawkins (implicitly) acknowledges that atheism is a position that (like all other ontological positions, including religious ones) cannot be held on purely epistemological grounds. Whether there is or isn't something beyond the physical, sensible is by definition of what counts as evidence beyond its scope (since no sensory, empirical data will ever derive from it). Holding beliefs about nonexistence is more complicated still, thanks to the challenges of evidencing absence,1 which Cowper puts beautifully by saying that “absence of proof is not proof of absence.”2 The presence of hope is also noteworthy since it suggests that this ontological position is not held dispassionately, but that Dawkins cares about its truth value. While not being a religious position by any means, it nonetheless exhibits two of the three key aspects of Christianity: faith and hope, with love also being of clear importance to Dawkins. This is in no way a “gotcha,” but simply a realization that Dawkins’ atheist beliefs share features with my Christian ones and I don't begrudge him this.
While Dawkins’ hope for and belief in only the physical existing are not derived from evidence (there being no evidence for the absence of non-physical existence), he happily challenges those who hold religious beliefs for making assertions “for which they neither have, nor could have, any evidence.” In fact, he goes even further by mounting an argument for a particular entity not existing in this non-physical void: God.3 Here Dawkins' argument against God's existence is the following:
“The argument from improbability states that complex things could not have come about by chance.”It is ironic to see what Dawkins does here. He takes a weak cosmological argument for the existence of God (that many have torn to shreds) and “leverages” it for his own ends, while inheriting (even amplifying) its weaknesses. In essence this argument - a favorite among Creationists - is that the world is so complex that it couldn't have come about by chance or from simpler entities and that a designer or creator had to be its source. Dawkins then comes along and thinks he is trumping them by adding that the presumed creator must be more complex still and therefore even less likely. Far be it from me to defend the original cosmological argument, but it is disappointing to see Dawkins attempt its use as an argument for the almost-non-existence of God. The irony is greater still since it is Dawkins' own scientific work that has contributed to illuminating how it is that greater complexity comes about from simpler origins …
“However statistically improbable the entity you seek to explain by invoking a designer, the designer himself has got to be at least as improbable.”
My final takeaway is a deflated “oh …” in the face of the naïveté of Dawkins' position. First, for his schoolboy materialist creed and, second, for his clumsy attempt at offering an argument for the statistical non-existence of God. Is this the best that atheism has to offer intellectually? Before writing this piece I have tried to think about whether I could offer a better atheist position, but I have to admit that I have failed. Atheism just does not make any sense since it is at its core an oxymoron: the belief in an entity's non-existence. Agnosticism is another matter altogether. It is a position I don't hold, but one that I have great respect for and that I have seen stated convincingly and with a great sense of honesty.
UPDATE (19 December 2012): I have just read the following, illuminating comment on this post on Google+:
"I could very elegantly be an agnostic, which is the rational stance, and save myself some problems. But I actually have this belief inside, my gut bets that there is NOTHING else out there. So I have to be honest about that."This is the kind of atheist position I was trying to (but failing to) intuit before writing the post. It is an atheism that to me sounds ultimately honest and is very much like my own Christianity: it holds a belief about what there is beyond the empirical. There is a clear difference in what that belief contains, but the nature of the belief and its relation to evidence and rationality are, to my mind, equivalent. I now feel that I need to look at atheism in a new way and I hope to learn more about it.
UPDATE (9 January 2013): This post is fast becoming one of the most popular on this blog and it has certainly triggered a lot of discussion both on- and off-line. For coverage of some of its aftermath see the following post.
1 For a very well presented analysis of this point, and with reference to Dawkins, see Brian Garvey's paper.
2 This dictum is not without challenge and I hope to return to it in a future post.
3 Dawkins goes to great lengths to be clear that he doesn't mean an “Einsteinian God” or a God of the laws of physics, but a personal God like that of the Abrahamic religions. From my perspective this only amounts to a display of a profound misunderstanding of how Christianity sees God (displayed with particular virtuosity when discussing the Trinity).
Beautiful, excellent post. I'm atheist and I completely agree with you on Dawkins' book. I found his arguments quite unconvincing and, overall, I thought he was preaching to the converted, pun intended.
ReplyDeleteAside from that, I'd like to know your opinion on something. You bring up that "absence of proof is not proof of absence". I can agree with that, but in science we very rarely speak about "proofs". More often we speak about "evidence". Now let's rephrase it: "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence". Unfortunately, I have to disagree with that, otherwise I could make any cranky statement and back it with the "absence of evidence" argument. So, I argue that absence of evidence IS evidence of absence. I'm not saying that it's conclusive: it's almost impossible to be conclusive even with the most convincing evidence. But, it is nonetheless evidence. I think that, if you look at it this way, you can't say that atheism is entirely a belief. It's more like accepting that if you can't see something (for a broad meaning of "seeing"), chances are that it's not there.
What do you think about all this?
Hi Roberto, thank you for your kind words and great comment! I completely agree with you about the inapplicability of proofs to science - my favorite variant of the saying involves evidence too (proof having been a better fit to Dawkins' rhetoric though). First, I would distinguish between absence of evidence and evidence of absence (along the lines of the link in the second footnote). I.e., having no evidence is not the same as having conducted a test and arrived at the absence of a signal. In other words, if I formulate a hypothesis and design experiments to test it and the result is negative, I am in a different position to having formulated the theory and not collected evidence although in both cases I have an absence of evidence for some postulated phenomenon. Second, I believe you are very right in talking about it being impossible for evidence to be conclusive. Even though there is no evidence for unicorns, all we can say that their likelihood is very low. Conversely, even a sequence of thousands of sunrises puts us only in the position of rationally expecting another sunrise, rather than being certain of it. Third, I believe that the question of whether there is something beyond the experienceable or not is of a different category than unicorns and sunrises since it is not open to being empirically tested. Either a belief in there being nothing beyond the empirical or there being something are statements that are not verifiable empirically (in neither case there being access to the beyond empirical empirically). So, I would completely agree that your atheism is not "entirely a belief" in that it is consistent with the evidence you have (and the evidence that I have!) but I would still maintain that it has an element of belief inasmuch as it refers to what there is beyond the visible/experienceable - i.e., nothing. I have tried to elaborate on this in the post following this one (here) and have also touched on the question of the evidence-theory relationship earlier (here) - you might like those post. Please, do let me know what you think. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHi and happy new year! Sorry it took me so long to reply.
ReplyDeleteI think your definition of belief is very subtle here! We need to take a little step back. If you say that atheists have a belief in the same sense as in the 80s some people believed we'd have flying cars in 2015 (I'm being facetious here)!, then yes. These people are about to be proven wrong and they'll have to acknowledge that. But our lives are full of this sort of beliefs! After all we can't double-check everything.
But because you used the word "creed", then I don't think you talk about this, in which case, I have to disagree with you. I think that an atheist is in a different position from a religious person. An atheist believes in evidence and in hypotheses that they think can be "proven" empirically. A religious person believes in something beyond that, something which is not experienceable. This requires believing in something that can only be thought about, because there's no other manifestation of that (if there was another manifestation of that, then we would experience it). Now, that kind of belief is a faith and atheists don't have that. Atheists' "beliefs" can potentially be proven wrong at any time. For example, a deity could send to the physical world evidence of its existence, and no atheist sane in their mind would deny it (as long as it's convincing!).
So yes, belief in broader sense, but not a faith. I'm not quite sure I'm replying to what you wrote, but this is my take on it.
Hi Roberto - first of all, Happy New Year! and thanks very much for the great points you make. You are right - the argument here is a subtle one and I have to admit that my use of 'creed' in the title was partly ironic, with respect to Dawkins' position. So, I completely agree with your conclusion that atheism is a belief and not a faith - my concern in the original article was to underline where it is that Dawkins holds beliefs that he does not acknowledge as such and not to attribute any creed or faith to him as such.
ReplyDeleteAs for the other points you make, my argument is not that atheist and religious beliefs are the same or even of the same nature en masse, but only about their equivalence when it comes to statements about what is beyond the empirically evidenceable. An atheist saying that they believe there is nothing beyond what can be empirically evidenced (which I am in no way attacking) is like a religious person saying that there is something (and usually something specific), since neither is empirically verifiable. The empirical verifiability of science (not atheism, since I too - as a Christian - fully subscribe to the scientific method with its emphasis on evidence, repeatability, verifiability, etc.) can only span that which is verifiable (this is a tautology) and I am arguing that neither atheism nor (some) religious beliefs are.
This is not a blanket statement that anything goes - statements about verifiable events are open to the burden of evidence, regardless of who makes them - but simply an argument for statements and beliefs about whether there is anything or nothing beyond the empirical being equally unverifiable. Let me offer an example: a Young Earth Creationist's belief in the universe being 5-10K years old is not the kind of belief I am talking about here, since it refers to what is empirically verifiable and we can come up with a body of evidence contradicting their belief. I, as a Christian, would firmly stand beside other scientists (regardless of their extra-empirical beliefs) in opposition against statements about the universe being 5-10K years old. When it comes to the kinds of beliefs about what (if anything) there is beyond the empirical, no such body of evidence is possible in support of any one position.
What do you think? I don't know how clearly I have put what I have in mind ... Thanks for your patience!